" We're Your Personal IT Provider "

    Beibi+ ( PT. Beibi Cemerlang Indonesia ) bergerak di bidang INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER, IT System Integrator & Manage Internet Network Services, dengan biaya internet terjangkau Anda sudah mendapatkan Tim IT Profesional, bandwith internet,  infrastruktur jaringan internet ( Mikrotik, Switch Manage, Firewall, Akses Point )  hingga layanan Support 24 jam.

    Kami berusaha untuk menawarkan solusi terbaik untuk Anda secara maksimum, untuk mendapatkan kepuasan maksimum. Kami ahli dalam menawarkan solusi yang efektif untuk pengembangan IT perusahaan Anda.

    Dengan perubahan teknologi yang pesat di era milenium ini, kami terus berinovasi dalam infrastruktur digital dan solusi seperti IoT (Internet Of Things), Industry 4.0

    Kami adalah pelopor dalam mencerca permasalahan pengembangan Program, Server ataupun Cloud. Pakar IT  kami menangani proyek yang ditugaskan dengan hati-hati Indonesia dengan 1000+ proyek yang berhasil diselesaikan.

    Jasa ISP konsultan it jaringan internet mikrotik, server, cisco, linux, ruckus, komputer, fiber optic, Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Surabaya, Kalimantan. PT. Beibi Cemerlang Indonesia

    Hubungi Kami sekarang juga, jika perusahaan Anda membutuhkan support dan solusi untuk :


    1. Bandwidth Internet + Manage Internet Dedicated
    2. Bandwidth Internet + Manage Internet Rumahan ( Retail )
    3. Manage Internet + Internal Network Infrastructure + NOC internal 24 Hour
    4. Localloop HQ – Branch Connecting Access
    5. IP Public – VPN


    1. IT Infrastruktur
    2. Cloud Computing
    3. IT Security & Firewall
    4. Website & SEO
    5. Microsoft Product
    6. Konsultasi & Master plan IT
    7. Pengadaan perangkat Hardware dan
    8. Development Program Software
    9. Cabling Infrastructure
    10. Electrical, Building Automation System ( BAS ), & Data Center Solution
    11. RFID tag & Warehouse Management System ( WMS )
    12. PC , PC Built UP, Laptop, IT Peripheral
    13. Data Center, VPS, Colocation
    14. CCTV
    15. Command Center
    16. IOT Smart City
    17. IOT Industrial Production


    Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV Konsultan IT, Jaringan Mikrotik, Komputer Server & Jaringan Security CCTV

    Jasa Pembuatan Setting Webserver dan Mail Server Bandung Jakarta

    Jasa Pembuatan Setting Webserver dan Mail Server Bandung Jakarta

    Jasa Pembuatan Setting Webserver dan Mail Server Bandung Jakarta – Beibi Cemerlang IT Consultant Menyediakan Jasa Instalasi Setting Webserver & Mail Server Bandung Jakarta, dengan semua kelebihan dan penyempurnaan layanan di dalamnya sehingga client yang membutuhkan webserver dan amil server privat tersendiri dapat menghandle langsung msalah yang terjadi tanpa mengandalkan Pihak Ke-3 Yang biasanya “Kurang Responsif”. Free Training punya dan full support dengan jadminan 15 menit terhandle oleh kami. So why you need our mail server & webserver yourself ?

    Jasa Pembuatan Setting Webserver dan Mail Server Bandung Jakarta

    At First : What Is your mail server need is a firewall that can handle all the come threat, with our firewall as one for all solution :

    Jasa Pembuatan Setting Webserver dan Mail Server Bandung Jakarta
    Jasa Pembuatan Setting Webserver dan Mail Server Bandung Jakarta
    • Simple and Intuitive Management (Object-based rules)
    • Quality-of-Service (QoS) – bandwidth management & traffic shaping
    • Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
    • Secure VPN Access (exhaustive choice: IPSec, SSL, HTML5 and many more)
    • Site-to-Site VPN (enhanced with unique RED devices)
    • Self-Service User Portal (for quarantine, VPN clients, etc.)
    • Advanced Threat Protection (with selective sandboxing)
    • Two-Factor authentication (with one-time password solution
    • One-click secure remote assistance for Support remote access
    • Web in Endpoint for Sophos Enterprise Console managed clients
    • Transparent user authentication with SSO for AD
    • Policy setting simplified and enhanced (https, warn, PUAs)
    • Device-specific authentication (browser prompt for mobile devices)
    • Policy test tool for quick troubleshooting
    • Web threat protection
    • URL Filtering Policy for Users/Groups
    • Web application control
    • Interactive user reporting
    • Time quotas, site tagging, and true-file-type detection
    • Selective HTTPS scanning
    • Updated App Control Engine (for over 1300 Apps), and many more
    Min Spec Physical Server : Jasa Pembuatan Setting Webserver dan Mail Server Bandung Jakarta

    16 GB of ram,1 TB Of Hardisk,4 Core Proccesor

    Min Spec VM Webserver :

    4 GB od ram, 4 core proccesor, 100 GB of HDD

    Min Spec VM Mail Server:

    4 GB od ram, 4 core proccesor, 500 GB of HDD


    • Web threat protection and policy enforcement on the endpoint


    • Users are protected when they leave the network – everywhere
    • Policy is pushed out and reporting is pulled in
    • Admins can manage offsite users the same as onsite
    • No backhauling, VPN’s, or datacenters involved


    Quote Name      : Firewall System Management

    Item Description Price Total Price
    License – Advance Firewall System License/Month ( Min. Contract 6 Month ) Rp. 5.500.000 Rp.33.000.000
    Licence – CPanel 12 Month License Rp. 5.000.000 Rp. 5.000.000
    Setup Firewall Setup Fee Rp. 1.250.000 Rp. 1.250.000
    Setup Web & Mail Server Setup Fee Rp. 1.250.000 Rp. 1.250.000
    Partner Support Remote Support/Month Rp.   230.000 Rp.   230.000
    GRAND TOTAL Rp. 40,730,000

    Terms & Conditions: Jasa Pembuatan Setting Webserver dan Mail Server Bandung Jakarta

    1 The prices quoted here are franco Jakarta, delivery charges outside Jakarta will borne by the buyers.

    2 The price is NO TAX

    3 Payment shall be made according to the following terms: 100% on PO

    4 Payment shall be made in IDR currency by bank transfer.

    5 Working time: 14 Days

    6 Purchase order from Buyer have to refer the qoutation number and valid after acknowledged by Beibi Cemerlang IT Consultant.

    7 Purchase order from Buyer is non cancellable, any payment is non refundable and goods delivered is non returnable.

    8 Validity period of this proposal is 21 days

    9 Price is included local professional services cost

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